Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Knowledge is power, never be at a loss about what to say at the water cooler again!

Equality Arizona has unveiled its newest program the “Arizona Education and Research Project” (AERP). This enhanced online series of reports, articles and web link provides current local, national, and international data regarding a wide range of LGBT topics. As an educational resource, the AERP has been developed for the purpose of promoting informed and pro-active conversation, debate, and activism on behalf of the LGBT people.

The AERP is comprised of 3 components: 1) Results of local LGBT research studies conducted by Equality Arizona and other organizations; 2) In-depth research summaries of LGBT topics that present research facts and dispel distortions of research by anti-LGBT forces; and 3) Web links to additional training modules, coming soon.

This educational and research project will cover a wide variety of issues including, but not limited to, same-sex marriage, adoption, the “ex-gay” movement, hate crimes, same-sex parenting, employment discrimination and transgender issues. The extensive research summaries review findings of over 100 scientific studies. Additionally, the research summaries provide examples of how particular research results are distorted by the religious right and/or the media, and they provide “talking points” as suggestions for accurate discussion.

To find out more about this project, and empower yourself with knowledge follow this link:

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